IIS 7.5 and IIS 8.0 European Hosting

BLOG about IIS 7.5 Hosting, IIS 8.0 Hosting and Its Technology - Dedicated to European Windows Hosting Customer

European IIS 8.5 Hosting - UK :: Hosting node.js in IIS

clock October 15, 2014 07:40 by author Scott

In this post, I will discuss about hosting node.js application in IIS on Windows using iisnode project. OK, let’s begin.

First thing you need to do is install iisnode project side to get the module and samples installed on your Windows box with IIS7 enabled. The hello world sample consists of two files: hello.js and web.config.
This is the hello.js file from the helloworld sample:

var http = require('http');

http.createServer(function (req, res) {
    res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'});
    res.end('Hello, world! [helloworld sample]');

You will notice that the only difference between this code and the hello world sample from the front page of http://nodejs.org is in the specification of the listening address for the HTTP server. Since IIS controls the base address for all HTTP listeners, a node.js application must use the listen address provided by the iisnode module through the process.env.PORT environment variable rather than specify its own.


The web.config file is required to instruct IIS that the hello.js file contains a node.js application. Otherwise IIS would consider this file to be client side JavaScript and serve it as static content. The web.config designates hello.js as a node.js application by scoping the registration of the handler in the iisnode module to that file only:

<add name="iisnode" path="hello.js" verb="*" modules="iisnode" />

This handler registration allows the same web site to contain other *.js files (e.g. jQuery libraries) that IIS will continue serving as static files.

The Advantages Using iisnode

WebSocket Support

As of version 0.2.x, iisnode supports hosting Websocket applications in IIS 8 on Windows Server 2012 and Windows 8. You can use any standard node.js modules that implement the Websocket protocol, including socket.io.

Scalability on multi-core servers

For every node.js application (e.g. hello.js above), iisnode module can create many node.exe process and load balance traffic between them. The nodeProcessCountPerApplication setting controls the number of node.exe processes that will be created for each node.js application. Each node.exe process can accommodate a configurable number of concurrent requests (maxConcurrentRequestsPerProcess setting). When the overall concurrent active request quota has been reached for an application (maxConcurrentRequestsPerProcess * nodeProcessCountPerApplication ), the iisnode module starts rejecting new HTTP requests with a 503 (Server Too Busy) status code. Requests are dispatched across multiple node.exe processes serving a node.js application with a round-robin load balancing algorithm.


Whenever the JavaScript file with a node.js application changes (as a result of a new deployment), the iismodule will gracefully upgrade to the new version. All node.exe processes running the previous version of the application that are still processing requests are allowed to gracefully finish processing in a configurable time frame (gracefulShutdownTimeout setting). All new requests that arrive after the JavaScript file has been updated are dispatched to a new node.exe process that runs the new version of the application. The watchedFiles setting specifies the list of files iisnode will be watching for changes.

Changes in the JavaScript file are detected regardless if the file resides on a local file system or a UNC share, but the underlying mechanisms are different. In case of a local file system, an OS level directory watching mechanism is used which provides low latency, asynchronous notifications about file changes. In case of files residing on a UNC share, file timestamps are periodically polled for changes with a configurable interval (uncFileChangesPollingInterval setting).

Integrated debugging

With iisnode integrated debugging you can remotely debug node.js application using any WebKit-enabled browser.

Access to logs over HTTP

To help in ‘console.log’ debugging, the iisnode module redirects output generated by node.exe processes to stdout or stderr to a text file. IIS will then serve these files as static textual content over HTTP. Capturing stdout and stderr in files is controlled with a configuration setting (loggingEnabled). If enabled, iisnode module will create a per-application special directory to store the log files. The directory is located next to the *.js file itself and its name is is specifed with the logDirectoryName setting (by default “iisnode”). The directory will then contain several text files with log information as well as an index.html file with a simple list of all log files in that directory. Given that, the logs can be accessed from the browser using HTTP: given a node.js application available at http://mysite.com/foo.js, the log files of the application would by default be located at http://mysite.com/iisnode/index.html.

The logDirectoryName is configurable to allow for obfuscation of the log location in cases when the service is publicly available. In fact, it can be set to a cryptographically secure or otherwise hard to guess string (e.g. GUID) to provide a pragmatic level of logs privacy. For example, by setting logDirectoryName to ‘A526A1F2-4E22-4488-B930-6A71CC7649CD’ logs would be exposed at http://mysite.com/A526A1F2-4E22-4488-B930-6A71CC7649CD/index.html.

Log files are not allowed to grow unbounded. The maxLogFileSizeInKB setting controls the maximum size of an individual log file. When the log grows beyond that limit, iisnode module will stop writing to that file and create a new log file to write to. To avoid unbounded growth of the total number of log files in the logging directory, iisnode enforces two additional quotas. The maxLogFiles setting controls the maximum number of log files that are kept. The maxTotalLogFileSizeInKB controls the maximum total size of all logs files in the logging directory. Whenever any of the quotas are exceeded, iisnode will remove any log files not actively written to in the ascending order of the last write time.

Note that this design of the logging feature allows the node.js application to be scaled out to multiple servers as long as the logging directory resides on a shared network drive.

Side by side with other content types

One of the more interesting benefits of hosting node.js applications in IIS using the iisnode module is support for a variety of content types within a single web site. Next to a node.js application one can host static HTLM files, client side JavaScript scripts, PHP scripts, ASP.NET applications, WCF services, and other types of content IIS supports. Just like the iisnode module handles node.js applications in a particular site, other content types will be handled by the registered IIS handlers.

Indicating which files within a web site are node.js applications and should be handled by the iisnode module is done by registring the iinode handler for those files in web.config. In the simplest form, one can register the iisnode module for a single *.js file in a web site using the ‘path’ attribute of the ‘add’ element of the handler collection:

<add name="iisnode" path="hello.js" verb="*" modules="iisnode" />

Alternatively, one can decide that all files in a particular directory are supposed to be treated as node.js applications. A web.config using the <location> element can be used to achieve such configuration:

<location path="nodejsapps">
<add name="iisnode" path="*.js" verb="*" modules="iisnode" />

One other approach one can employ is to differentiate node.js applications from client side JavaScript scripts by assigning a file name extension to node.js applications other than *.js, e.g. *.njs. This allows a global iisnode handler registration that may apply across all  sites on a given machine, since the *.njs extension is unique:

<add name="iisnode" path="*.njs" verb="*" modules="iisnode" />

Output caching

IIS output caching mechanism allows you to greatly improve the throughput of a node.js application hosted in iisnode if the content you serve can be cached for a time period even as short as 1 second. When IIS output caching is enabled, IIS will capture the HTTP response generated by the node.js application and use it to respond to similar HTTP requests that arrive within a preconfigured time window. This mechanism is extremely efficient, especially if kernel level output caching is enabled.

URL Rewriting

The iisnode module composes very well with the URL Rewriting module for IIS. URL rewriting allows you to normalize the URL space of the application and decide which IIS handlers are responsible for which parts of the URL space. For example, you can use URL rewriting to serve static content using the IIS’es native static content handler (which is a more efficient way of doing it that serving static content from node.js), while only letting iisnode handle the dynamic content.

You will want to use URL rewriting for majority of node.js web site applications deployed to iisnode, in particular those using the express framework or other MVC frameworks.

Minimal changes to existing HTTP node.js application code

It has been the aspiration for iisnode to not require extensive changes to existing, self-hosted node.js HTTP applications. To that end, most applications will only require a change in the specification of the listen address for the HTTP server, since that address is assigned by the IIS as opposed to left for the application to choose. The iisnode module will pass the listen address to the node.exe worker process in the PORT environment variable, and the application can read it from process.env.PORT:

var http = require('http');

http.createServer(function (req, res) {
    res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'});
    res.end('I am listening on ' + process.env.PORT);

If you access the endpoint created by the application above, you will notice the application is actually listening on a named pipe address. This is because the iisnode module uses HTTP over named pipes as a communication mechanism between the module and the worker node.exe process. One implication of this is HTTPS applications will need to be refactored to use HTTP instead of HTTPS. For those applications, HTTPS can be configured and managed at the IIS level itself.

Configuration with YAML or web.config

The iisnode module allows many of the configuration options to be adjusted using the iisnode.yml file or the system.webServer/iisnode section of web.config. Settings in the iisnode.yml file, if present, take precedence over settings in the web.config. Below is the list of options (most of which were described above) with their default values.

# The optional iisnode.yml file provides overrides of
# the iisnode configuration settings specified in web.config.

node_env: production
nodeProcessCommandLine: "c:\program files\nodejs\node.exe"
nodeProcessCountPerApplication: 1
maxConcurrentRequestsPerProcess: 1024
maxNamedPipeConnectionRetry: 100
namedPipeConnectionRetryDelay: 250
maxNamedPipeConnectionPoolSize: 512
maxNamedPipePooledConnectionAge: 30000
asyncCompletionThreadCount: 0
initialRequestBufferSize: 4096
maxRequestBufferSize: 65536
watchedFiles: *.js;iisnode.yml
uncFileChangesPollingInterval: 5000
gracefulShutdownTimeout: 60000
loggingEnabled: true
logDirectoryName: iisnode
debuggingEnabled: true
debuggerPortRange: 5058-6058
debuggerPathSegment: debug
maxLogFileSizeInKB: 128
maxTotalLogFileSizeInKB: 1024
maxLogFiles: 20
devErrorsEnabled: true
flushResponse: false
enableXFF: false

Configuration using environment variables

In addition to using web.config and iisnode.yml, you can also configure iisnode by setting environment variables of the IIS worker process. Every setting available in iisnode.yml can also be controlled with environment variables. This option is useful for hosting providers wishing to offer a web based management experience for iisnode.

Integrated management experience

The iisnode module configuration system is integrated with IIS configuration which allows common IIS management tools to be used to manipulate it. In particular, the appcmd.exe management tool that ships with IIS can be used to augment the iismodule configuration. For example, to set the maxProcessCountPerApplication value to 2 for the “Default Web Site/node” application, one can issue the following command:

%systemroot%\system32\inetsrv\appcmd.exe set config "Default Web Site/node" -section:iisnode /maxProcessCountPerApplication:2

This allows for scripting the configuration of node.js applications deployed to IIS.

European IIS 8 Hosting in Cloud - France :: How to Host Your WCF Service in IIS 8?

clock June 11, 2014 10:10 by author Scott

It sounds like it should be trivial: Create a WCF web library and host it in IIS. Surely lots of people need to do this, and it will be easy in a fairly modern version of Visual Studio like 2012? Previously I have created this article about how to host WCF Service in IIS 8, however I will explain more details in this article.

Whatever the reason, I hope this page will offer a useful step-by-step guide to set up a WCF Service Library project to be run from its development folder on Windows 8.0 or Windows 2012, IIS 8.0 – and I have been using VS 2012 and .Net Framework 4.5 as the target.  Also, before I begin, and something of a spoiler alert; you may prefer to publish your website to a specific location, and host it in IIS from there, rather than try and host it from your development folder.  This option is covered after the walk-through below.

Please Make Sure that You Have Integrated your ASP.NET with IIS

The easiest way to check this is to create a minimalistic web application (e.g. ASP.NET MVC with “No Authentication”) and try to host it in IIS (see configuration steps below). If something is missing, make sure that:

  • “Internet Information Services” and “Word Wide Web Services” are enabled in the “Turn Windows Features on or off” dialog.
  • If IIS is up and running, but the ASP.NET integration is missing (you can check the ISAPI filters in IIS Manager), you should run “%WINDIR%\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\aspnet_regiis.exe –i” and hope for the best (maybe restart the machine afterwards).

Take a look at WCF Service

I assume that you have created WCF service called “WCF Service Application”. Hosting this application in IIS means that you create a virtual directory in IIS, where you link the root folder of your project to a URL. You also need to specify an app pool to be used, which should match to the .NET framework you target (e.g. “.NET v4.5”).

If you have configured your.svc files within the specified URL, you should see a page with some positive messages and links to the WSDL contracts. If you see this, then stop reading, you are done.

However, you can receive an error page, “HTTP Error 404.17 – Not Found”, “The requested content appears to be script and will not be served by the static file handler.”. This most probably means that your IIS is not configured to host WCF services (this seems to be the default).

With .NET 3.5, you had to run the “ServiceModelReg.exe” tool, but this doesn’t seem to be necessary anymore for .NET 4.0+ (“aspnet_regiis” does this already). If you look into the details of the IIS settings, you can see some references to WCF.

The only thing you have to do is to enable “HTTP Activation” in the “Turn Windows Features on or off” dialog under the “WCF Services” node. With this, you basically enable the creation of WCF service instances to serve requests coming through HTTP.

Then, please test it again and you wont see any error message anymore.

I hope this article will help you a lot.

European HostForLIFE.eu Proudly Launches ASP.NET 4.5.1 Hosting

clock January 30, 2014 06:14 by author Scott

HostForLIFE.eu proudly launches the support of ASP.NET 4.5.1 on all their newest Windows Server environment. HostForLIFE.eu ASP.NET 4.5.1 Hosting plan starts from just as low as €3.00/month only.

ASP.NET is Microsoft's dynamic website technology, enabling developers to create data-driven websites using the .NET platform and the latest version is 4.5.1 with lots of awesome features.

According to Microsoft officials, much of the functionality in the ASP.NET 4.5.1 release is focused on improving debugging and general diagnostics. The update also builds on top of .NET 4.5 and includes new features such as async-aware debugging, ADO.NET idle connection resiliency, ASP.NET app suspension, and allows developers to enable Edit and Continue for 64-bit.

HostForLIFE.eu is a popular online ASP.NET based hosting service provider catering to those people who face such issues. The company has managed to build a strong client base in a very short period of time. It is known for offering ultra-fast, fully-managed and secured services in the competitive market.

The new ASP.NET 4.5.1 also add support for asynchronous debugging for C#, VB, JavaScript and C++ developers. ASP.NET 4.5.1 also adds performance improvements for apps running on multicore machines. And more C++ standards support, including features like delegating constructors, raw string literals, explicit conversion operators and variadic templates.

Microsoft also is continuing to add features meant to entice more JavaScript and HTML development for those using Visual Studio to build Windows Store. Further information and the full range of features ASP.NET 4.5.1 Hosting can be viewed here http://www.hostforlife.eu/European-ASPNET-451-Hosting.

Press Release - Wordpress 3.8 Hosting with HostForLIFE.eu from Only €3.00/month

clock January 23, 2014 10:43 by author Scott

HostForLIFE.eu proudly launches the support of WordPress 3.8 on all their newest Windows Server environment. HostForLIFE.eu WordPress 3.8 Hosting plan starts from just as low as €3.00/month only.

WordPress is a flexible platform which helps to create your new websites with the CMS (content management system). There are lots of benefits in using the WordPress blogging platform like quick installation, self updating, open source platform, lots of plug-ins on the database and more options for website themes and the latest version is 3.8 with lots of awesome features.

WordPress 3.8 was released in December 2013, which introduces a brand new, completely updated admin design: with a fresh, uncluttered aesthetic that embraces clarity and simplicity; new typography (Open Sans) that’s optimized for both desktop and mobile viewing; and superior contrast that makes the whole dashboard better looking and easier to navigate.

HostForLIFE.eu is a popular online WordPress hosting service provider catering to those people who face such issues. The company has managed to build a strong client base in a very short period of time. It is known for offering ultra-fast, fully-managed and secured services in the competitive market.

Another wonderful feature of WordPress 3.8 is that it uses vector-based icons in the admin dashboard. This eliminates the need for pixel-based icons. With vector-based icons, the admin dashboard loads faster and the icons look sharper. No matter what device you use – whether it’s a smartphone, tablet, or a laptop computer, the icons actually scale to fit your screen.

WordPress 3.8 is a great platform to build your web presence with. HostForLIFE.eu can help customize any web software that company wishes to utilize. Further information and the full range of features WordPress 3.8 Hosting can be viewed here http://www.hostforlife.eu.

Press Release - European HostForLIFE.eu Proudly Launches Umbraco 7 Hosting

clock January 15, 2014 11:35 by author Scott

HostForLIFE.eu, a leading Windows web hosting provider with innovative technology solutions and a dedicated professional services team, today announced the supports for Umbraco 7 Hosting plan due to high demand of Umbraco 7 CMS users in Europe. Umbraco 7 features the stable engine of Umbraco 6 powering hundreds of thousands of websites, but now enriched with a completely new, remarkably fast and simple user interface.

Umbraco is fast becoming the leading .NET based, license-free (open-source) content management system. It is an enterprise level CMS with a fantastic user-interface and an incredibly flexible framework which is both scalable and easy to use. Umbraco is used on more than 85,000 websites, including sites for large companies such as Microsoft and Toyota.

HostForLIFE.eu is a popular online Umbraco 7 hosting service provider catering to those people who face such issues. The company has managed to build a strong client base in a very short period of time. It is known for offering ultra-fast, fully-managed and secured services in the competitive market.

Umbraco has given a lot of thought to the user experience of their CMS. The interface uses a navigational flow and editing tools that anybody using Windows Explorer and Microsoft Word will immediately recognise. Your site structure sits in a tree view - just like Windows Explorer. Anybody with experience using Microsoft Word, can use Umbraco's simple rich text editing (RTE) interface.

"Umbraco 7 is easy to install within few clicks, special thanks to HostForLIFE.eu special designed user friendly web hosting control panel systems." - Ivan Carlos, one of the many HostForLIFE.eu satisfying clients.

Further information and the full range of features Umbraco 7 Hosting can be viewed here http://hostforlife.eu/European-Umbraco-7-Hosting.

Press Release - Premier European HostForLIFE.eu Proudly Announces FREE Trial Windows ASP.NET Hosting

clock October 8, 2013 12:35 by author Scott

European Windows and ASP.NET hosting specialist, HostForLIFE.eu, has officially launched FREE trial web hosting package. This free trial is offered for the next 14 days and at anytime, the customers can always cancel anytime. This FREE trial packages combine generous or unlimited web space, unlimited bandwith, unlimited email accounts, 1 MSSQL database, 1 MySQL database. There is also the ability to host multiple websites in this package. As the market for hosted solutions continues to grow, the new hosting range is designed to exceed the growing technical demands of businesses and IT professionals.

HostForLIFE.eu continues to invest heavily in developing powerful and resilient Business web hosting packages. The new range scales to accommodate a wide range of business needs including ecommerce and multiple websites. The range comprises of Classic Package, which is priced €3.00/month. The Budget Package is priced at €5.50/month. There is Economy package which is priced €8.00/month, this is the most favourite package and it is designed for Portal/Business site. And then Business Package is priced at €11.00/month. Furthermore, the Business Package delivers HostForLIFE’s most powerful shared hosting feature set to date, and is optimized for hosting multiple and business websites.

Every day thousands of people decide to set up a website for business or personal use. New business owners and the average consumer don't always have access to unlimited budgets. HostForLIFE.eu understand the importance of reliable hosting but are not always prepared to pay the exorbitant prices that reliable hosts charge.

“We believe that all customers should be given a free trial before buying into a service and with such approach, customers are confident that the product / service that they choose is not faulty or wrong.” Said John Curtis, VP Marketing and Business Development at HostForLIFE.eu. “With this free trial hosting, we want our customers to test drive our quality services. We believe that our web hosting platform and customer support are up there with the best and our commitment to give the best for our customers.”

HostForLIFE.eu is awarded Top No#1 SPOTLIGHT Recommended Hosting Partner by Microsoft (see www.microsoft.com/web/hosting/HostingProvider/Details/953). HostForLIFE.eu services is ranked the highest top #1 spot in several European countries, such as: Germany, Italy, Netherlands, France, Belgium, United Kingdom, Sweden, Finland, Switzerland and other European countries. Besides this award, HostForLIFE.eu has also won several awards from reputable organizations in the hosting industry and the detail can be found on HostForLIFE.eu official website.

For more information about this FREE trial package offered by HostForLIFE.eu, please visit http://www.hostforlife.eu

About HostForLIFE.eu:

HostForLIFE.eu is European Windows Hosting Provider which focuses on Windows Platform only. HostForLIFE.eu deliver on-demand hosting solutions including Shared hosting, Reseller Hosting, Cloud Hosting, Dedicated Servers, and IT as a Service for companies of all sizes.

HostForLIFE.eu number one goal is constant uptime. HostForLIFE.eu data center uses cutting edge technology, processes, and equipment. HostForLIFE.eu has one of the best up time reputations in the industry.

HostForLIFE.eu second goal is providing excellent customer service. HostForLIFE.eu technical management structure is headed by professionals who have been in the industry since it's inception. HostForLIFE.eu has customers from around the globe, spread across every continent. HostForLIFE.eu serves the hosting needs of the business and professional, government and nonprofit, entertainment and personal use market segments.   

European IIS 8 Hosting - Amsterdam :: Application Initialization Module IIS 8

clock August 16, 2013 08:01 by author Scott

Today post will cover about one of IIS 8 new feature. It is called Application Initialization module. Activating it allows you to enable the following capabilities:

  • Starting a worker process without waiting for a request (AlwaysRunning)
  • Load the application without waiting for a request (preloadEnabled)
  • Show a loading page while the application is starting

To enable these features

1. Set the startMode on the application pool  to AlwaysRunning.

      <add name="DefaultAppPool" autoStart="true" startMode="AlwaysRunning" />    

2. Set preloadEnabled to true on the web application.

      <site name="Default Web Site" id="1">        
       <application path="/">          
        <virtualDirectory path="/" physicalPath="%SystemDrive%\inetpub\wwwroot" />        
       <application name="AppInit" applicationPool="DefaultAppPool" preloadEnabled="true">          
        <virtualDirectory path="/AppInit" physicalPath="c:\inetpub\wwwroot\appinit" />       

Changing the startMode to AlwaysRunning will start the application pool and initialize your application the moment your IIS server is (re)started. So users that visit your site don’t have to wait because the worker process is already started.

By setting preloadEnabled to true, it starts loading the application within that worker process without waiting for a request.


European IIS 8 Hosting - Amsterdam :: IIS 8 Server Name Indication

clock August 9, 2013 08:35 by author Scott

Server Name Indication (SNI) is an extension to the TLS protocol that includes the hostname during the handshaking process. This allows for a web server to host multiple SSL-enabled web sites using one IP address. Prior to IIS 8, it was not possible to use this capability in IIS.


SNI is enabled in IIS by default. To use this capability, simply provide the appropriate hostname in the configuration of the HTTPS binding for a site.

Each HTTPS binding that you would like to use SNI with should have the host name provided. All bindings should have the option for "Require Server Name Identification" checked except fot the site you would like to act as the "default" HTTPS site. Just as is the case with HTTP bindings, this is the site that will be used when a client does not provide a host header as part of the request. If you do not have at least one HTTPS binding with the option unchecked, IIS Manager will issue a warning informaing you of that fact.


Before using SNI with IIS 8, you should be aware of the client requirements for this to work properly. Specifically, the TLS library used by an application must support SNI and the application must pass the hostname to the TLS library when making requests. The following web browsers support SNI:

  • Internet Exmplorer 7 or later running on Windows Vista or later
  • Google Chrome (6.0 or later requird if running on Windows XP, 5.0.342.1 or later if running on OS X 10.5.7 or later)
  • Mozilla Firefox 2.0 or later
  • Safari 3.0 or later (Vista or later and OS X 10.5.6 or later)
  • MobileSafari running on iOS 4.0 or later
  • Opera 8.0 or later

IIS 8 Hosting Europe :: How to Fix Issue Coldfusion IIS 8 on Windows 2012

clock July 22, 2013 06:38 by author Scott

Are you getting the following error when configuring the IIS8 connector for CF10 on Windows Server 2012 or Windows 8?

"Version 8.0 is installed. Supported versions are 4.x, 5.x, 6.x, 7x"

We have some additional guidance that should help you work around it.

1) Please make sure that you are using correct Windows 2012 Server/Windows 8 supported ColdFusion 10 installer (The updated full ColdFusion 10 Installers)

MD5s of the full installer should be as follows:

For Win 64-bit MD5 --> ef74d583a8d069c7138a4ea8da9c5359

For Win 32-Bit MD5 --> ca9363a0a3817533436238b477b88792

2) You can opt to configure IIS 8 while installing or after installation.

     Installer has in-built support for IIS 8 on Win 8/Win 2012.

3) By all means install the latest CF10 updates, but do not apply updates older than Update 8. If you apply any of the older updates like update 7 or 6, you will likely see the following error while trying to run the IIS 8 web server connector:

"Version 8.0 is installed. Supported versions are 4.x, 5.x, 6.x, 7x" 

4) If all the above steps have been followed and if you are still getting the error, please verify that update 8 is installed properly by checking the log file under \cfusion\hf-updates\hf-10- 00008\Adobe_ColdFusion_10_Update_8*.log

And MD5  of the connector jar located at <CF10_Install_Home>\cfusion\runtime\lib\wsconfig.jar should be

     a) If you have applied Update 8 -> ba8f8c8bcd34c266faa0031107bbf948.

     b) If you have NOT applied any Updates -> 35cc2f630325506081f3b29d41e50c3c


European IIS 8 Hosting - Amsterdam :: Windows 2012 IIS 8 New Features

clock July 19, 2013 06:05 by author Scott

Internet Information Services (IIS) 8.0 Express is a free, simple and self-contained version of IIS that is optimized and available for developers. IIS 8.0 Express makes easy to use the most current version of websites tools like Visual Studio and WebMatrix. IIS 8.0 Express has all the core features of IIS as well as additional features for easy website development which includes:

- IIS 8.0 Express doesn't run as a service or require administrative privileges to perform most tasks.
- IIS 8.0 Express allows Multiple Users to work independently on the same computer.
- IIS 8.0 Express works well with ASP.NET and PHP applications.

IIS 8.0 is only available in Windows Server 2012 and Windows 8. It includes Application Initialization, centralized SSL certificate support, multi core scaling and also other new features.

Previously, we have discussed about new features in IIS 8. Now I will show more information about this new features.

1. FTP Logon Attempt Restrictions

This module ensures the security and manageability. Due to this feature you can now use greylisting and access patterns enabling you to smoothly and dynamically manage access for number of sites to the internet and FTP servers.

2) Improved CPU Throttling

In IIS8 there are kernel level changes to support real CPU throttling. There are two actions possible for sites that reach the CPU threshold. These are:

  • Throttling is based on the user and not specifically on the application pool. The throttle feature will keep the CPU for a particular worker process at the specified level.
  • Throttle under load will allow a site to use all possible CPU, while throttling the worker process if the server is under load. If you used WSRM (Windows System Resource Manager) in the past, you no longer need to do so.

3. Application Initialization Module

Priorly known as the application warm-up module which was used for a time, and now it is completely ready as Application Initialization Module. This allows loading sites and pages before the traffic arrives and handling of requests in a friendly and more smoother way while the application first loads. It is possible to set up home page or use URL rewrites.

4. SSL scalability

In previous versions of IIS each SSL (Secure Socket Layer) site required its own IP address, and since each certificate was loaded into the memory on the first visit to an SSL site, startup performance can be slow. In IIS8 the SSL certificate is easily scalable to thousands of secure sites per system because only the certificate that is needed is loaded. Additionally, also loading of large numbers of certificates is essentially improved.

5. SNI / SSL host header support

Using host headers and a shared IP address with SSL certificate has always been ambiguous. IIS8 now offers Server Name Indication (SNI) support through which many SSL sites can share the same IP. SNI is a pretty new feature which allows host headers to work with SSL. The most recent browsers are supporting SNI.

6. Use ASP.NET 3.5 and 4.5

IIS 8.0 on Windows Server 2012 runs ASP.NET applications on all .NET Framework versions supported on Windows Server 2012. This means ASP.NET applications can run on IIS 8.0 using either .NET Framework 3.5, or .NET Framework 4.5. IIS 8.0 hosts versions of the .NET Framework in different application pools, thus allowing multiple ASP.NET applications with different .NET Framework versions to run simultaneously on Windows Server 2012.

7. Web Sockets

Allows you to build more interactive and powerful web applications because of a continuous and bidirectional communication between the web browser and the web server. Web Sockets require Windows Server 2012 or higher versions.

8. Dynamic IP Restriction (DIPR)

With DIPR we can Customize IIS reply like Unauthorized (HTTP 401), Forbidden (HTTP 403), Not Found (HTTP 404), or Abort (IIS terminates the HTTP connection). Also we can allow or deny specific IP address or a range of IP addresses, even if they violate a dynamic restriction setting. We can block dynamic IPs based on the number of concurrent requests or the number of requests over a period of time.Finally it is a very useful feature for web servers behind firewall, because of the proxy mode property that enables IIS to cross checks the values in the X-Forwarded-For HTTP header. So it can verify the IP address of the client who initially made the request.

9. Multicore Scaling on NUMA hardware

Internet Information Services (IIS) on Windows Server 2012 supports Multicore Scalling on NUMA hardware and provides the optimal configuration for the IT administrators. Following options describes the different configuration options to achieve the best performance with IIS 8.0 on NUMA hardware.IIS supports following two ways of partitioning the workload:

  • Run multiple worker processes in one application pool: If you are using this mode, by default, the application pool is configured to run one worker process. For maximum performance, you should consider running the same number of worker processes as there are NUMA nodes, so that there is 1:1 affinity between the worker processes and NUMA nodes. This can be done by setting "Maximum Worker Processes" AppPool setting to 0. Due to this setting, IIS determines how many NUMA nodes are available on the hardware and starts the same number of worker processes.
  • Run multiple applications pools in single workload/site: In this configuration, the workload/site is divided into multiple application pools. For example, the site may contain several applications that are configured to run in separate application pools. Effectively, this configuration results in running multiple IIS worker processes for the workload/site and IIS intelligently distributes the processes for maximum performance.

About HostForLIFE.eu

HostForLIFE.eu is European Windows Hosting Provider which focuses on Windows Platform only. We deliver on-demand hosting solutions including Shared hosting, Reseller Hosting, Cloud Hosting, Dedicated Servers, and IT as a Service for companies of all sizes.

We have offered the latest Windows 2016 Hosting, ASP.NET Core 2.2.1 Hosting, ASP.NET MVC 6 Hosting and SQL 2017 Hosting.

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