IIS 7.5 and IIS 8.0 European Hosting

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IIS 8.0 Hosting UK - HostForLIFE.eu :: How to Install and Configure Network Load Balancing Manager in Server?

clock October 11, 2024 07:55 by author Peter

In this article, I’m going to show you how to install and configure the network load balancing manager service on Windows Server 2019 in the proper method and easiest way.

What is network load balancing (NLB)?
Network Load Balancing (NLB) is a feature that distributes network traffic across multiple servers, enhancing the availability and scalability of critical applications. Let’s explore NLB in more detail.


  • NLB operates at the TCP/IP networking protocol level.
  • It combines two or more servers running applications into a single virtual cluster.
  • The goal is to provide reliability and performance for web servers and other mission-critical servers.

How Does It Work?

  • NLB clusters consist of hosts (servers), each running a separate copy of the server applications.
  • Incoming client requests are distributed across these hosts.
  • You can configure the load distribution for each host.
  • Hosts can be added dynamically to handle the increased load.
  • NLB can direct all traffic to a designated default host.
  • Computers in the cluster share the same set of IP addresses, maintaining unique IPs for each host.
  • Practical Applications.

High Availability

  • NLB ensures minimal downtime for stateless applications (e.g., web servers).
  • It allows scalability by adding servers as load increases.
  • Manageability.
  • NLB simplifies the management of clustered servers.
  • When a host fails, the load is redistributed among operational computers.
  • The offline host can rejoin the cluster transparently once ready.

Here I have server one and server two on server one install ADDS and DHCP on your server two just set your IP address for the same range as server one after changing the computer name and connecting server two to server one as a domain connection below I mention given IP address with server’s computer name.
<table cellspacing="0">
                <p>Server One</p>
                <p>Computer Name: Server one (Without Space)</p>
                <p>IP Address:</p>
                <p>Default IP:</p>
                <p>Server Two</p>
                <p>Computer Name: Server two (Without Space)</p>
                <p>IP Address:</p>
                <p>Default IP:</p>
                <p>Preferred DNS Server:</p>

Step 1. On your server one and two install “Web Server” and “Network Lord Balancing”.

Step 2. After installed on your dashboard click “tools” then click “network load balancing”.

Step 3. Right-click the network load balancing cluster and click “new cluster”.

Step 4. Type your server one’s IP address and click “connect” after clicking “next”.

Step 5. Click “next”.

Step 6. Give your random IP address for your cluster server but make sure you have given your random IP address belonging to the same IP range by clicking “add” after clicking “next”.

Step 7. Give your domain name in the internet name box then click “multicast” after clicking “next”.

Step 8. After finishing the setup, you can see our cluster becoming green.

Step 9. Again, click on your created cluster, and after click “add a host to cluster”.

Step 10. Give your server two names with domain names after clicking “connect” and then clicking “next”.

Step 11. Click “next”.

Step 12. Click “Finish”.

Note. Now you can see our two clusters are ready.

We can all easily understand from this post how to install and setup Windows Server 2019's network load balancing manager service in the best and most efficient way possible. Please get in touch with me if you need any clarification on this subject.

IIS 8.0 Hosting UK - HostForLIFE.eu :: How to Set Up IIS Permissions for the Website?

clock October 4, 2024 09:02 by author Peter

In this article, you will learn how to configure permission for a Website on the IIS.

Step 1. First of all open the Administrative Tools from the Start Menu.

In the Administrative Tools Wizard an option will be available named IIS Manager; double-click on it to open it.

Step 2. Now the IIS Manager Wizard will be opened, here on the left-hand side the Connections Pane will be available, and the Connection Pane will show your Server Name.

Expand your Server's Name. Now you will see a folder named Sites, expand this folder it will contain all the sites you have configured on IIS, right now I haven't configured any websites so only the Default Website is available under it.

Step 3. Now right-click on the Website and choose "Edit Permissions".

Now the Property Window will be opened, here by default the General Tab will be open. You need to click on the Security Tab.

Step 4. Now the Group and User Names will be shown to you. To change the permission, click on any of the User or Group names and then click on the Edit Button.

On clicking the Edit button a new page will be opened, here you can Add or Remove a User from the list. You can also provide various kinds of permissions to the user by clicking the check box present in front of each permission, if you want to provide all the permissions then simply click on the Full Control and then click on the Apply Button, and then on the "Ok" button.

Step 5. When you click on the "OK" button it will return you to the Property Window, if you want to provide special permission to any user then you can simply click on the Advanced Button.



In the New Wizard select the user whose permission is to be modified and then click on the Edit Button. From here also you can Add or remove any user.

About HostForLIFE.eu

HostForLIFE.eu is European Windows Hosting Provider which focuses on Windows Platform only. We deliver on-demand hosting solutions including Shared hosting, Reseller Hosting, Cloud Hosting, Dedicated Servers, and IT as a Service for companies of all sizes.

We have offered the latest Windows 2016 Hosting, ASP.NET Core 2.2.1 Hosting, ASP.NET MVC 6 Hosting and SQL 2017 Hosting.

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